2011年8月31日 星期三

Quinny Buzz Travel System – how does it stack up?

|How to choose a baby travel system

There are countless pushchairs and travel systems on the market and when you add in the internet marketplace, choices for a travel system for your baby become overwhelming.

Is there an easy way to pick the correct baby travel system without spending ages and ages over it?

What factors should you look at when figuring out your options?

Safety and comfort, for both the parent and the baby, would be among the most important features of any travel system - it needs to be easy for both.

It's quite normal to expect a well-padded, comfortable seat for baby and the seat to be fitted with a secure 5-point harness.

The secure harness
should be easily adjustable too, there are few things worse than spending what seems to be hours trying to fit your bay into the seat.

The car seat should be padded and warm, as should the pushchair chair when the baby outgrows the infa nt car seat.

This is especially important when it is winter and you cannot easily bundle up your baby because the harness won't fit well if you do.

Another important aspect of comfort is having access to things like a sunshade or even covers to protect your child from rain or bugs.

What an awful lot of the top pushchair producers don't seem to realize is the importance to parents of a built in shock absorbing system of some type.

Just think though, why should your baby be subjected to all those dips, bumps an uneven surfaces and end up being uncomfortable?

There are few more important things to the busy parent than peace-of-mind and convenience.

Even the newest of parents will be able to see that if your baby is comfortable then you will be too and your trip will be that much easier.
Two other features spring to mind too, a convenient way to transport your child to, in and from vehicles and some real spac e to store the stuff you need to carry around.
Finding a system that fill fit all of those requirements could be considered almost impossible.

One system that immediately springs to mind - and will fulfill all the requirements - is the Quinny Buzz Travel System.
The Quinny Buzz Travel System has all the comfort and safety you are looking for including a hydraulic system to smooth out the road, safety harnesses and just superb comfort for your baby - and you too of course.

The car seat provided is normally the Maxi Cosi Cabriofix model - top of the range comfort for your baby - but you also get the brilliant click and go adapters for easy placement of the seat too.

The versions that come with the Dreami Carrycot are even more versatile as you can use the carrycot as an alternative to the seat of the pushchair - your baby can lie flat and sleep in peace without being disturbed.
You don't have to think about where you might have to store your shopping bags either - the system can come with a built-in shopping basket too.
That's a heck of a package - all the features you need along with the most stylish, fashionable and useable of systems on the market today.
So, for the most popular, stylish and easiest-to-use system that will provide all the comfort, safety and practicality - take a good long look at the Quinny Buzz Travel System.


2011年8月30日 星期二

Your Personal Cycles -- How to Make the Most of Your Personal Years, Months, and Days

Your Personal Cycles
How to Make the Most of Your Personal Years, Months, and Days

What will this day be like? I wonder.
What will my future be? I wonder.
Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II

This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Man's days are determined; you have decreed
the number of his months and have set
limits he cannot exceed.
Job 14:5

The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity.

Everyone is affected by the Universal Year, Universal Month, and Universal Day to some degree. Each of us is also influenced by our Personal Year, our Personal Month, and our Personal Day. The influences of the Personal Years, Months, and Days normally dominate the influences of the Universal Years, Months, and Days. When our Personal Years, Months, and Days are compatible with the Universal Years, Months, and Days, their influences are strengthened. When they are incompatible with the Universal Years, Months, and Days, their influences are weakened.

Your Personal Year

The Personal Year is one of several methods used in numerology for forecasting future trends and is probably one of numerology's most powerful predictive tools. Personal Years, like Universal Years, come in nine-year cycles. Each nine-year cycle has a beginning and an ending and seven years of development in between. Each year of any nine-year cycle has its own particular vibration. Each Personal Year offers opportunities to develop new skills and talents that are in harmony with the Personal Year's number. The Personal Year number indicates the numerological vibration for each year of the nine-year-cycle. The numerological vibration of the Personal Year describes the best way to approach that particular year. For example, if you are in a 1-Personal-Year, you are in a year of new beginnings, characterized by independence, individuality, initiative, novelty, self-reliance, spontaneity, and variety. You should focus is on yourself and your personal aspirations.

The Personal Year is simple to calculate and only a little more difficult to interpret. To determine the numerical vibration of any Personal Year, all you need is the day and month of birth and the current year. As with Universal Years, I use the master numbers 11 and 22 when interpreting Personal Years.

To calculate your Personal Year, add your birth day (not birthdate!) plus your birth month and the current calendar year (Universal Year). For example, let's assume you were born April 20, 1986 and the current year is 2010. Your birth day is 20, and your month is April, the 4th month of the year. Your birth month is simplified by adding the one or two digits�0 and 4�together. 0 + 4 = 4. Your birth day is simplified by adding the one or two digits�2 and 0�together. 2 + 0 = 2. Add the number of your birth day to the number of your birth month. 2 + 4 = 6. Add the four digits of the current year�2010�together. 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 3. Add the number of the current year to the sum of the birth day and the birth month: 6 + 3 = 9.

Birthdate: April 20, 1986
Birth Month: April (the 4th month)
Birth Day: 20
Birth Year: 1986
Current Year: 2011
The Personal Year Number is 1 (written 1-Personal-Year).

Let's do another.

Birthdate: May 13, 1994
Birth Month: May (the 5th month)
Birth Day: 13
Birth Year: 1986
Current Year: 2011
Birth Month: 0 + 5 = 5
Birth Day: 1 + 3 = 4
Current Year: 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 4
Sum: 5 + 4 + 4 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
The Personal Year Number is 4 (written 4-Personal-Year).

Let's do one more.

Birthdate: October 25, 1963
Birth Month: October (the 10th month)
Birth Day: 25
Birth Year: 1963
Current Year: 2009
Birth Month: 1 + 0 = 1
Birth Day: 2 + 5 = 7
Current Year: 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11
Sum: 1 + 7 + 11 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1
The Personal Year number is 1 (written 1-Personal-Year).

Personal Year 1

This year marks the beginning of a new nine-year cycle. It is a year of new beginnings, a year characterized by independence, individuality, initiative, novelty, self-reliance, spontaneity, and variety. The focus is on you and your aspirations. You may use this year to develop new skills and talents, launch new projects, pursue your aspirations, and focus on self-development. Let your sense of selfhood (who you think you are) develop and expand as you face novel ideas and situations. Over these next twelve months you will be presented with what may seem to be an unending flow of new ideas, feelings, opportunities, and relationships.

Each new experience will give way to another. During the first six months, let the stream flow. Don't be too quick to hold on to any one idea or experience. During the last half of the year you will need to start making choices as to what you want to develop more fully. Don't be surprised if you find it difficult to stick to any one thing for very long. What you start this year will unfold over the following eight years. Choose wisely, though, because, in one way or another, the choices you make this year will serve as the foundation for the rest of this cycle. You may find this year to be one of increased vitality and subjectivity, strength and self-centeredness.

Some may display leadership skills and find themselves working with a degree of power and authority. In general, your health will be good, and you may feel more energized and lively than you have felt in a long time. Vocationally, you will do your best work when working along.

Interpersonally, some people may perceive you as being standoffish or conceited this year. This is the year to develop self-reliance, initiative, and a healthy sense of self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem will help you may avoid the feelings and traps of both inferiority and superiority, either of which could sabotage the purpose of this year.

Personal Year 2

You are entering the second year of your nine-year personal cycle. During this year your focus is on others, especially those people who are most important to you. Your awareness and understanding of others grow this year. Those others include both friends and lovers as well as competitors and enemies. This year emphasizes relationships of all types and is characterized by adaptability, adjustability, coordination, cooperation, partnership, receptivity, harmony, and union. Competition, rivalry, and confrontation are also part of a 2-Personal-Year. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. In order to get your needs met and your desires fulfilled, you will need to take into consideration the needs, desires, and motivations of others. If you fail to take the time to understand the inner workings of other people, you will find yourself on a path of loneliness and suspicion over the next seven years. This year emphasizes the development of tact, diplo macy, and patience as well as the ability to take a supportive role in the background. Domestic affairs and issues of giving and receiving may be prominent this year. Some may find themselves focusing on their home life and their parents, especially their mother. Some may deal with the public this year. Health-wise, your drive and vitality may not be as powerful as they were last year. Vocationally, you will do your best work when working with a partner or a team.

Interpersonally, this is a year for establishing long-term relationships, both romantically and otherwise. Financially, a 2-Personal-Year is a slow, conservative year, a time to limit spending while focusing on accumulating resources.

Personal Year 3

You are entering the third year of your nine-year personal cycle. This year your focus is on your own interests, needs, and desires. A 3-Personal-Year has the potential for bringing about fulfillment, happiness, and joy. This year emphasizes the productive use of your skills and talents and the fulfillment of your dreams and ambitions. Creativity, imagination, inspiration, and self-expression are highlighted this year. You may get involved with the arts, music, acting, or teaching. The 3-Personal-Year is about the joys of living, the pleasures of life, enjoyment, and entertainment. It is easy to be overly extravagant during this year so it is important to set some limits.

The 3-Personal-Year is usually a year filled with social activity. You will find that your interests flow harmoniously with the people in your life. Relationships, shared pleasures, and affection are emphasized. Friends and companions abound. Your energies and interests blend harmoniously with those around you. This year can bring many brief flirtations as well as serious romances. There may be a tendency to go overboard, so it is important that you choose your associates and social affairs carefully. Vocationally, work and career go well, possible promotions as long as you pull yourself away from your social life to get your work done. The 3-Personal-Year is often an important financial year, a good time to accumulate money, property, and riches. Be sure to set reasonable limits on your spending.

Personal Year 4

You are entering the fourth year of your nine-year-personal-cycle. This year is often the most active and challenging year of the entire cycle. This year you will be required to give your ideas, dreams, and plans some form of concrete manifestation. You will be building a solid foundation that you will use during the next five years. Sometimes these foundations manifest as concerns involving home, family, real estate, property, or merchandise. This is a time to build a power base and consolidate your strength. This year brings with it confrontations, crises, creative tensions, and the use of personal power. Very often there are a number of obstacles to be overcome in the process. A 4-Personal-Year demands hard work, discipline, concentration, patience, intense drive, and, practical actions. Organization, attending to details, sustained effort, perseverance, and following a schedule or budget will be necessary in order to overcome restrictions, limitations and roadblocks.

Your responsibilities will increase, and your skills and self-confidence will be tested. If you put forth the effort to handle the situations that come at you this year, you will be well rewarded vocationally and financially. However, you may be presented with relationship problems, possibly due to neglect. You will have to make good faith efforts in any relationship worth keeping. Also, keep your health in mind. Don't let working, or over-working, wear you out.

Personal Year 5

You are entering your 5-Personal-Year, the middle or midpoint of your nine-year personal cycle. Your 5-Personal-Year is a year of changes and a reprieve from some pressures and responsibilities. Your first four years were years of discovering, building, adding to yourself new traits, talents, and abilities as well as extending yourself into the material world in new ways. What you have developed over the last four year will now serve as the basis or foundation for expressing yourself in the world and sharing what you have with your friends, family, community, society, or culture. The 5-Personal-Year brings a change of pace and attitude and represents a turning point in consciousness. This is the year of creative transformation and the expression of true individuality, a year for the expression of your creativity and unique talents. A 5-Personal-Year brings a variety of new opportunities, new people, and new situations. Flexibility is important. You may feel more spontaneou s and enthusiastic, or even excessively restless.

You desire the freedom to express yourself in new ways. A 5-Personal-Year can bring new ideas, mind expansion, traveling, and/or an interest in sports, games, or the great outdoors. The task for the 5-Personal-Year is to embrace the new without abandoning the foundations you established last year. This year can be favorable for career, finances, and relationships if you can integrate the new with the old.

Personal Year 6

You are entering your 6-Personal-Year. This is a year during which you can begin to concentrate on what you have at hand. During your 6-personal-year, you return to the structures you built and the issues you faced during your 4-Personal-Year�home, family, love, relationships, career�but minus struggling with the challenges and the confrontations of the 4-Personal-Year. During your 6-Personal-Year you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors and the foundations established two years early. The 6-Personal-Year is a time for enjoying an atmosphere of harmony, relationships, productivity, and success. You will tend to find yourself surrounded by the best in friends, family, home, beauty, health, food, and everyday luxuries. All the resources that you need will be available to you as long as you take your responsibilities and duties seriously.

This is a year of optimism, understanding, justice, and reciprocation. The more you give the more you will receive. Your morale is high. While you will be making the most of whatever you have already accomplished, you will also be able to make the most of new opportunities. Vocational and financial matters tend to go well, as do your interpersonal relationships with friends, family, and co-workers. This is a good month for marriage and weddings in general.

Personal Year 7

You are entering your 7-Personal-Year. The number 7 symbolizes sacred cosmic processes and the number of all physical life. You may become unusually aware of your destiny, fate, and the cosmic processes at work in your life. The 7-Personal-Year may also bring with it the unpredictable and the irrational. You, or someone close to you, may feel compelled to act in certain ways. Social activities may take a back seat to intellectual and/or spiritual pursuits. The 7-Personal-Year is a year during which many people enter some degree of seclusion. This is a good time to withdraw from the outer world and to focus on the meaning of your life as experienced during the past six years. You should analyze and reflect on what you have learned about yourself and your world and develop new insight and a new philosophy based on your recent experiences. It is a time for thoughtfulness, introspection, meditation, self-examination, and deliberation. Your intuition may become usually active a nd sharp. Your thoughts turn towards self-improvement, idealism, perfectionism, and spirituality. Your intuition may become usually active and sharp.

You could become interested in reading about and studying philosophy, religion, or metaphysics. You could even specialize in some form of esoteric studies. This is the year to discover your inner light, or, if the inner light is already a part of your life, to develop a deeper connection with it. You should find solutions and make important decisions this year.

Personal Year 8

You are entering your 8-Personal-Year. The pace of the 8-Personal-Year is a highly accelerated one. The challenges of living in the material world may occupy all your time and energy. This year you are required to test out your personal beliefs and philosophies in the material world. In addition to testing your beliefs this year, you will be reaping the results of your last 1-Personal-Yearpersonal-year. You will be required to further the ideas, plans, and activities that you began eight years ago. During the 1-Personal-Year you were free to try out new ideas and behaviors without much input from your environment. During your 8-Personal-Year you will meet both expected and unexpected challenges to your plans and activities. The 8-Personal-Year-year is often the most active, energetic, and dynamic year of the nine-year cycle. You will have abundant energy and determination to accomplish your goals this year. You may not have been aware of this great internal power until now . People, institutions, and other environmental obstacles will force you to tap into inner resources that you never knew you had. You will need to be organized and efficient. Planning, drive, detachment, and good judgment will be helpful.

Potentially, this year offers opportunities for advancement, promotions, leadership, material accomplishment, and financial gain. Recognition and publicity are yours if you want them. Expect to broaden your comprehension and transcend previous limitations. This year is not particularly favorable for interpersonal relationships, so you will need to be especially sensitive and compassionate in those relationships that you value.

Personal Year 9

You are entering your 9-Personal-Year. This year is the final one of this nine-year cycle. Endings, completion, transformation, rebirth, and recycling are key themes this year. From the concerns, affairs, and business of the past eight years�certain relationships, interpersonal situations, vocational matters, and emotional issues�will conclude during this year. It is important that you let this process complete itself without interference. You will need to finish projects and goals of the cycle that is closing. Some friendships and associations will fall by the wayside. Let go of what has become useless and outgrown. Anxiety, fear, sadness, and other forms of resistance to change are natural reactions to the events of the 9-Personal-Year. Accept and honor whatever feelings you may be experiencing, but do your best to let go of whatever is leaving your life this year. Some losses will be gradual, others sudden. Allow yourself to grieve in your own way and at your own pace. There is no wrong way to grieve or say goodbye. It is vital to complete this process so that you will have room in your heart and life for the new blessings to come next year.

The good to come during your 1-Personal-Year depends on your ability to let go and forgive. It is also important that you give thanks for and appreciate whatever is leaving your life during your 9-Personal-Year. Cultivating a universal outlook and grasping a sense of eternity will be helpful. By cultivating an attitude that fosters love, compassion, tolerance, detachment, and selflessness, you will be rewarded with increased love, wisdom, understanding, and insights. Before this year is finished, you may become aware to some degree of the nature and direction of your next nine-year cycle. Since each new cycle builds on the foundations provided by the previous cycles, it is highly unlikely that everyone and everything in your life will be lost. Much of your past will continue with you into your new 1-Personal-Year.

Personal Year 11

You are entering an 11-Personal-Year, which can be one of the two master years. This year it is important that you follow your hunches, your inspiration, and your intuition. Your emotions are highly sensitized, and your intellect is sharp. You can be unusually open to new ideas, visions, and revelations. This can be a year of consciousness expansion or possibly an increased interest in the arts. At the physical level, you can be creative and inventive. Work with science, computers, telephones, cell phones, aviation, space travel, electricity, radiation, and magnetism can be beneficial to you. On a more spiritual level, you can be capable of developing psychic abilities or spiritual healing. This can be a year of illumination and self-discovery. Idealism, religion, mysticism, and spirituality figure prominently. You could take up mediation and metaphysical studies. You may gain insights into spiritual evolution. Much is nebulous or intangible this year. It is important to s tay as grounded as much as you can in order to gain the benefits of this year. For some, this year can lead to increased fame if there are other indications.

If you do not pursue the vibrations of the number 11 and make them a priority, the 11-Personal-Year becomes a 2-Personal-Year. If the 11 becomes a 2, this year will bring an increasing awareness and understanding of other people. These others include both friends and lovers as well as competitors and enemies. This year emphasizes relationships of all types and is characterized by coordination, cooperation, partnership, harmony, and union. Competition, rivalry, and confrontation are also part of a 2-Personal-Year. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. In order to get your needs met and your desires fulfilled, you will need to take into consideration the needs, desires, and motivations of others. If you fail to take the time to understand the inner workings of other people, you will find yourself on a path of loneliness and suspicion over the next seven years. This year emphasizes the development of tact, diplomacy, and patience as well as the a bility to take a supportive role in the background. Domestic affairs and issues of giving and receiving may be prominent this year. Your drive and vitality may not be as powerful as they were last year. Vocationally, you will do your best work when working with a partner or a team. Interpersonally, this is a year for establishing long-term relationships, both romantically and otherwise. Financially, a 2-Personal-Year is a slow, conservative year, a time to limit spending while focusing on accumulating resources.

Personal Year 22

You are entering a 22-Personal-Year, which can be one of the two master years. This year is potentially a year of self-actualization, self-mastery, and personal transformation. During a 22-Personal-Year you have opportunities to reach your highest goals and ideals. You can demonstrate a masterful capacity to combine materialism and idealism, inspiration and practicality. You may turn abstract conceptions into practical realizations. It is possible to achieve your goals and accomplish great things this year. The 22-Personal-Year is a year of destiny during which you have generous and abundant opportunities to work with your karmaphalas (the results of previous acts {karma}) both good/pleasant and bad/unpleasant. The secret for making the most of this year is to keep in mind that your actions should be performed while keeping the good of society or of all humanity in mind. You should view yourself as an agent of change and as someone who can make personal sacrifices from whi ch the world will benefit. You may embody the ideals, needs, and concerns of specific groups or communities. Even so, you will probably have to act on your own. You may even experience yourself as independent and possibly alone. While it is unlikely that you can completely abandon the demands of the ego, you need to keep the universal good foremost in your thoughts.

If you use the energies of your 22-Personal-Year predominately for your personal gain, the 22 will convert to a 4. As a 4-Personal-Year, this year will be a very active one with many challenges. This year you will be required to give your ideas, dreams, and plans some form of concrete manifestation. You will be building a solid foundation that you will use during the next five years. Sometimes these foundations manifest as concerns involving home, family, real estate, property, or merchandise. This is a time to build a power base and consolidate your strength. This year brings with it confrontations, crises, creative tensions, and the use of personal power.

Very often there are a number of obstacles to be overcome in the process. A 4-Personal-Year demands hard work, intense drive, and, practical actions. Organization, attending to details, and following a schedule or budget will be necessary in order to overcome limitations and roadblocks. Your responsibilities will increase, and your self-confidence will be tested. If you put forth the effort to handle the situations that come at you this year, you will be well rewarded vocationally and financially. You may be presented with relationship problems. You will have to make good faith efforts in any relationship worth keeping.

Personal Months and Personal Days

In addition to Personal Years, we can also determine the numerological influences of months and days as they relate to our birthdays. Numerologically, we experience nine-month cycles and nine-day cycles. Within the nine-year-cycles there are nine-month-cycles, and within the nine-month-cycles there are nine-day-cycles. These are our Personal Months and Personal Days. The number values of our Personal Months and Personal Days describe what we can expect during any given month or on any given day. Each Personal Month and Personal Day is part of a cycle of nine, and each has its own particular vibration. Each Personal Month describes how best to approach activities during the month as well as how to make the most of your Personal Year vibrations during that particular month. Each Personal Day describes the influences of any particular day and, like Personal Months, they should be interpreted in the context of the Personal Month. Like Personal Years, the influences of the Pers onal Months and Personal Days trump the influences of the Universal Months and Universal Days.

Calculating Your Personal Month

Like Personal Years, Personal Months and Personal Days are simple to calculate. In addition to the numbers 1 through 9, I use the master numbers 11 and 22. To find your Personal Month Number, add the current or Universal Month Number to your Personal Year Number.

For example, let's assume (again) that you were born April 20, 1986 and the current date is January 3, 2011. Your Personal Year Number is 9 (Birth Day + Birth Month + Current Year = 20 + 4 + 2011 = 1). The current or Universal Month Number is January, the 1st month of the year. Add the number of the Universal Month to the number of your Personal Year. 1 + 1 = 2. Your Personal Month Number is 2 (written 2-Personal-Month).

Birthdate: April 20, 1986
Universal Date: January 3, 2011
Universal Month: January (the 1st month)
Personal Year: 1
Personal Month: 1 + 1 = 2
The Personal Month number is 2 (written 2-Personal-Month).

Let's do another (again).

Birthdate: May 13, 1973
Universal Date: August 11, 2010
Universal Month: August (the 8th month)
Personal Year: 3
Personal Month: 3 + 8 = 11

To find your Personal Month, add the Universal Month to your Personal Year. Your Personal Year is 3 (Birth Day + Birth Month + Current Year = 13 + 5 + 2010 = 3). The Universal Month is August, the 8th month of the year. Add the number of the Universal Month to the number of your Personal Year. 8 + 3 = 11.

Your Personal Month number is 11 (written 11-Personal-Month).

Let's do another.

Birthdate: December 18, 2001
Current Year: November 28, 2009
Birth Day: 18
Birth Month: December
Personal Year: 12 + 18 + 2009 = 5
Universal Month: November (the 11th month)
Personal Month: 11 + 5 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7

Add the Universal Month to your Personal Year. Your Personal Year is 5 (Birth Day + Birth Month + Current Year = 18 + 12 + 2009 = 5). The Universal Month is November, the 11th month of the year. Add the number of the Universal Month to the number of your Personal Year. 11 + 5 = 16. Reduce to a single digit or master number. 16 = 1 + 6 = 7.

Your Personal Month number is 7 (written 7-Personal-Month).

Meanings of the Personal Month

Personal Month 1

A 1-Personal-Month is the month for new beginnings�a perfect time to begin a new project, make a fresh start, or try on a new attitude. If you have been putting off starting a new job, taking a new class, or joining a gym, this is the time to stop thinking and start doing. This month emphasizes independence, individuality, initiative, novelty, self-reliance, spontaneity, and variety. The focus is on you and your aspirations. Let your sense of selfhood (who you think you are) develop and expand as you face novel ideas and situations. Develop new skills and talents, invest in yourself, and follow your dreams. Take a chance, welcome new opportunities. This month gives you opportunities to demonstrate action, creativity, and originality. Some may be called on to act in a leadership capacity. This month usually brings with it good health and a high energy level.

Personal Month 2

This month emphasizes an increasing awareness of others, an interest in relationships of all kinds, and a time to take into account the needs, desires, and motivations of others. Partnerships, lovers and friends, competitors and enemies take on added significance. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. Your greatest progress will come from being a part of a couple or a team. Adaptability, adjustment, cooperation, diplomacy, and receptivity will further your interests. Career and finances may move slowly. You may even experience some lows in regards to vitality and energy. Some may find need to give their attention to their home or parents, especially your mother or maternal figures. Some may need to address the public about a concern or project. This month does not favor personal concerns, but it can favor romance and your ability to give and take on a more intimate level.

Personal Month 3

The 3-Personal-Month brings with it the potential for fulfillment, happiness, and joy. This could be a very social month for you�dates, parties, social gatherings, and group activities. Relationships and shared pleasures are characteristic of this month. Friends, partners, lovers, spouses, and fiancs as well as more casual acquaintances are emphasized. You may find yourself feeling more sociable and outgoing than usual. Your energies and interests blend harmoniously with those around you. Creativity, affection, imagination, inspiration, and self-expression are highlighted. Some of your dreams and ambitions may be fulfilled this month. You may get involved with the arts, music, or acting, or develop new skills and talents. Romance and finances are favored during a 3-Personal-Month.

Personal Month 4

A 4-Personal-Month is typically a busy one. You should give some form of concrete expression to your dreams, hopes, and wishes. This is a month of actions, challenges, restrictions, and obstacles, and it requires concentration, discipline, organization, patience, perseverance, hard work, and attention to details. Some form of crisis may push you to overcome personal limitations. This is a month of creative tension and possible confrontations. You could be challenged in one or more major life-arenas�home, health, relationships, work, or finances. Your responsibilities may increase temporarily, and your self-confidence may waver at times. Budgets and schedules may be helpful. If you put forth the effort to meet these challenges, you have much to gain this month and your sense of personal power will increase. However, be kind to your body and don't overwork. Good health is essential to getting the most out of this month.

Personal Month 5

A 5-Personal-Month releases you from the responsibilities, challenges, and struggles of the previous month. The pace of this month is rapid and largely unencumbered. This month brings change, excitement, enthusiasm, novelty, spontaneity, and variety with a pinch of restlessness. There are new opportunities to investigate, new people to meet, and new freedoms to experience. Expect the unexpected. Flexibility is an important prerequisite to getting the most out of this month, much less make progress. A 5-Personal-Month is for traveling and for taking chances. You can express yourself in a more unique and creative manner. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions may not be accepted immediately by others. This is a good month to promote yourself. Follow the new, but don't abandon the old. Try to temper any extremes with a little moderation. Career, finances, and relationships will benefit if you integrate the new with the old.

Personal Month 6

A successful and satisfactory 6-Personal-Month depends on the structures you built and the issues you faced during the 4-Personal-Month�family, home, love, career, finances, community. These issues return, but instead of the struggles, challenges, and confrontations of the 4-Personal-Month, you will receive the fruits of your actions during the 4-Personal Month. What was built or what was faced during the 4-Personal-Month bears fruit. The 6-Personal-Month is a time for enjoying your success, productivity, relationships, and harmony. This is a month of optimism, understanding, justice, and reciprocation. The more you give the more you will receive. Your morale is high. A 6-Personal-Month is much like the 3-Personal-Month�you will tend to find yourself surrounded by the best in friends, family, beauty, health, food, and everyday luxuries. All the resources that you need will be available to you as long as you take your responsibilities and duties seriously. New opportunities may sprout from what you have already accomplished. Vocational and financial matters tend to go well, as do interpersonal relationships. This is a good month for domestic conditions, marriage, and weddings.

Personal Month 7

Your 7-Personal-Month is a time for withdrawing from outer activities. It is a month for thoughtfulness, introspection, meditation, self-examination, and deliberation. During your 7-Personal-Month you step back from all that you have accomplished during the previous six months. It is a time to analyze and reflect on what you have learned about yourself and your world and to develop new insight and a new philosophy based on your recent experiences. Social activities may take a back seat to intellectual and/or spiritual pursuits. Some may maintain some degree of seclusion. There may be an interest in studying, reading, or specializing in some esoteric subject. The 7-Personal-Month can be a quiet time during which you may turn your thoughts towards self-improvement, idealism, and perfectionism. Your intuition may become usually active and sharp. This is a month for spirituality and religious concerns. You may find solutions and make important decisions this month.

Personal Month 8

Your 8-Personal-Month is the month for acting on the thoughts, ideas, and philosophies that you developed last month. You are testing the validity of the personal discoveries you made during your previous 7-Personal-Month. Many people are unaware that they are trying to actualize their new ideals. They are consciously aware that this month is one of intense, dynamic activity. You may need and desire to take specific actions which will further your goals. Your actions may be unusually individualistic, and you may display great vision, deep insights, and increased personal power. This month may emphasize money, finances, and material needs as well as advancements, promotions, and leadership. The 8-Personal-Month can be one of energetic activities, expressions of power, material accomplishments, and purposeful actions. You will need to be organized and efficient. Your interests are expanded, obstacles are overcome, and limitations are transcended. Broad comprehension and good judgment can lead to expanding business opportunities, making new investments, and signing favorable contracts. Enterprises and work involving corporations are favored. Recognition and publicity are yours if you want them. This can be a good month for career and finances. It does not usually favor intimate relationships.

Personal Month 9

The 9-Personal-Month is a good time for completing projects and endeavors of all types. This is not the month to start anything new. Endings, transformation, rebirth, and recycling are key themes this month. It is a month for subjective progress and growth and for the elimination of what is no longer useful. It is a good time for performing selfless service or promoting brotherhood and universal love. By cultivating an attitude that fosters love, compassion, tolerance, detachment, and selflessness, you will be rewarded with increased love, wisdom, understanding, and insights. The 9-Personal-Month can be one of spiritual understanding and Self-realization. This may be a time of endings, saying goodbye, and letting go. It is possible that a relationship may end during a 9-Personal-Month, or some similar loss may result in grief or sorrow. Your own energy level may not be as high as you desire.

Personal Month 11

The 11-Personal-Month can be one of great creative, religious, or spiritual potential. Spiritually, this month emphasizes idealism, religion, mysticism, renunciation, and illumination. Your intuition and psychic perception may be heightened during this month. On a material level, this month favors invention and technical genius. You may be benefited by science, electricity, radiation, magnetism, aviation, space travel, computers, telephones and cell phones during an 11-Personal-Month. An 11-Personal-Month can also manifest as a 2-Personal-Month, emphasizing an awareness of others, an interest in relationships of all kinds, and a time to take into account the needs, desires, and motivations of others. Partnerships, lovers and friends, competitors and enemies take on added significance. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. Your greatest progress will come from being a part of a couple or a team. Tact, diplomacy, and cooperation will further you r interests. On a more spiritual level, you can be capable of developing psychic abilities or spiritual healing. You could take up mediation and metaphysical studies. You may gain insights into spiritual evolution. Career and finances may move slowly. You may even experience some lows in regards to vitality and energy. While this month does not favor personal concerns, it can favor romance and your ability to give and take on a more intimate level. Much is nebulous and intangible this month. It is important to stay as grounded as much as you can in order to gain the benefits of this you. For some, this month can lead to increased fame if other facts are in place.

Personal Month 22

The 22-Personal-Month can be one during which you can achieve your highest goals and actualize your highest ideals. This month is potentially a month of self-actualization, self-mastery, and personal transformation. You may be able to demonstrate a masterful capacity to combine materialism and idealism, inspiration and practicality. You may turn abstract conceptions into practical creations. Projects undertaken during this month can bring about wide-scale improvements, possibly having regional, national, or even international consequences. The secret for making the most of this month is to keep in mind that your actions are to be performed for the good of specific groups, communities, or societies. It is possible that some of your actions are for the benefit of all humanity. Taking time to meditate or to develop your intuition is necessary in order to manifest the best of a 22-Personal-Month. If you do not hold yourself to the highest standards, your 22-Personal-Month will function as a 4-Personal-Month. If this is so, you can expect challenges, restrictions, and obstacles to overcome. Concentration, discipline, organization, patience, perseverance, hard work, and attention to details will be important.

Calculating Your Personal Day

To find your Personal Day number, add the current or Universal Day to your Personal Month number and reduce the result to a single digit or master number. We will use the examples above. If you were born April 20, 1986 and the Universal Date: January 3, 2008. Your Personal Month is 8 (Universal Month + Personal Year = 1 + 7 = 8). The Universal Day is the 3rd. Add the number of the Universal Day to the number of your Personal Month. 3 + 8 = 11.

Birthdate: April 20, 1986
Universal Date: January 3, 2008
Universal Day: 3
Personal Month: 8
Personal Day: 3 + 8 = 11

Your Personal Day number is 11 (written 11-Personal-Day).

Let's do another (again).

Birthdate: May 13, 1996
Universal Date: October 10, 2011
Personal Year: 05 + 13 + 2011 = 22
Personal Month: 10 + 22 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5
Universal Day: 10
Personal Day: 10 + 5 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

If you were born May 13, 1996 and the Universal Date: July 10, 2011. Your Personal Month is 5 (Universal Month + Personal Year = 10 + 22 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5). The Universal Day is the 10th. Add the number of the Universal Day to the number of your Personal Month. 10 + 5 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6. Your Personal Day number is 6 (written 6-Personal-Day).

Meanings of the Personal Day

Personal Day 1

A day to promote your interests and accentuate your individuality. You may have an increased sense of well-being. A day to be assertive, original, and spontaneous. Take a chance, welcome new opportunities, start something new.

Personal Day 2

A day that emphasizes significant relationships and increases your awareness of the needs and desires of others. You gain the most by being part of a couple or a team. This can be a favorable time for romance. Competition or confrontations are possible. Express yourself with tact and diplomacy. Balance assertion and individuality with patience and cooperation.

Personal Day�3

A pleasant day and a good time for self-expression, creativity, and communication. This day is favorable time for socializing, entertaining, and enjoying the company of others. Today could bring joy, fulfillment, and happiness. Good for romance, taking chances, and financial gain.

Personal Day�4

Today emphasizes the practical and constructive sides of life. It is a day for building a solid foundation. A day that requires work, drive, organization, and scheduling. The use of energy or force to overcome an obstacle.

Personal Day�5

A change of pace and attitude. Transform any excessive, restless energy into creative insights, new ideas, mind expansion, travel, sports, or games. A time for changes, for the expression of personal freedom, for spontaneity, new opportunities, and going with the flow. Feelings of enthusiasm for life and a temporary, but well-deserved escape from responsibilities.

Personal Day�6

A day to return to your responsibilities. This day can be a very productive one. Success comes from a combination of skillful effort and available resources. Family, home, community, health, service, food, and everyday luxuries are emphasized.

Personal Day�7

Take time for yourself away from social engagements and most everyday activities. A day to withdraw, read a book, or meditate. This day stresses quietude, introspection, self-improvement, religious concerns, ideals, and spirituality.

Personal Day�8

Today is a day for energetic activities, expressions of power, material accomplishments, and purposeful actions. Goals are reached; obstacles overcome. This day emphasizes finances, money, investments, business, enterprise, and corporations. Good judgment can lead to signing favorable contracts, making wise investments, and expanding business opportunities.

Personal Day�9

A good day to complete projects and similar endeavors. A day of endings, saying goodbye, and letting go. Possibly the ending of a relationship. Loss or sorrow. A time for performing selfless service or promoting brotherhood and universal love.

Personal Day�11

A day with great creative, religious, or spiritual potential. Today emphasizes idealism, intuition, and illumination. This day favors invention and technical genius on the material plane and psychic perception on the spiritual plane.

Personal Day�22

This is a day for actualizing your highest goals and ideals. A time for taking action in order to accomplish your plans. You can demonstrate a masterful capacity to combine materialism and idealism successfully.


2011年8月29日 星期一

Visit Philippines and Delight Your Holidays This Year

The country Philippines is located in the South East Asia, and is listed amongst one of the highly emerging counties of the world to which flights are ample. Foreign travelers are highly attracted by the Philippines travel and frequently book cheap flights to Philippines to joy their leisure time. It really deserves it, because of its geographical location where nature is in its abundance and this is surely good news for the nature lovers. Philippines comprise of three big islands which altogether forms �Philippines'; one is the Luzon, second Mindanao, and the third Visayas. The Luzon is the greatest, which is home to a great attractive city called Manila.

The entire nation of Philippines is remarkable, where the visitors of flights to Philippines enjoy the natural glamour in profusion. Plus the hospitality of the natives is a great add-on to Philippines travel. And finally a large number of tourist attractions and believe me, these things are very easy to mention here but it will take months to get known to all of this and these can keep you busy through out your stay here. Seek the travel guide to Philippines before you make your itinerary decision because there is a great variety of attractions, and activities which you would likely be exploring and experiencing here upon getting cheap flights to Philippines. Because of the great cultural diversity, natural attractions, historical profusion, millions of travelers from all over the world book cheap flights to Philippines and love this country. And as aforementioned, this country is being highly loved for the adventure activities which any one can enjoy here.

The Philippines travel guarantees equally enjoyment in terms of nature, and man made amenities. As per nature you get to enjoy the opulent cool beaches here and certain mountainous ranges like the Mt. Apo, Volcanoes, etc. and a number of other attractions. And besides nature you get greatly influenced by the trends and modern life here that includes the pulsating night life here. For this, visit Manila and the Angeles City which is known to be the soul and the heart of entertainment activities.


2011年8月28日 星期日

Quinny Buzz Travel System – Is it really great value?

Countless parents find themselves overwhelmed when thinking about buying a baby travel system, there seem to be so many choices - even before you start looking on the internet.

Is there an easy way to pick the correct baby travel system without spending ages and ages over it?

What kind of things should you keep an eye out for when going through the choices?

The best systems for baby travel that are on the market today are very safe and comfortable for your baby and are also very convenient for the parent to push around - the best for both parties.

This can come about by having a seat that is padded and soft for the baby with a five point harness to strap your child in.

The secure harness
should be easily adjustable too, there are few things worse than spending what seems to be hours trying to fit your bay into the seat.

Try to make sure that the car seat, too, is comfortably padded and warm enough for your little one, make sure the pushchair seat has similar features too.

Warmth and comfort are even more important in winter, just make sure your baby will fit into the seat when it's all bundled up.

One thing that many forget but can also be important for the comfort of your baby is having covers for protection from sun, rain or even annoying insects.

Having your pushchair be shock resistant is a very nice feature which many parents go without because a lot of pushchair manufacturers don't take it into consideration.

Just think though, why should your baby be subjected to all those dips, bumps an uneven surfaces and end up being uncomfortable?

All parents as well as peace of mind, need a degree of convenience.

Even the newest of parents will be able to see that if your baby is comfortable then you will be too and your trip will be that much easier.
You need a couple of other things too - some storage spa ce for all the "stuff" and and easy way to carry your child around.
Putting everything together, finding the 'perfect' pushchair may seem impossible.

When you get right down to it, there are very few baby travel systems that can fit that bill - top, and post popular, is the Quinny Buzz Travel System.

This is because the Quinny Buzz Travel System has comfort and safety in spades; it has a five point harness in the infant car seat and pushchair seat, soft, shock resistant seats so that you can go anywhere, and comfortable pushing for you.

A fantastic feature of the system is the click-and-go car seat adapters for your Maxi Cosi Cabriofix baby car seat - they couldn't be more convenient.

The whole system is very flexible with the seat of the pushchair being interchangeable with the Dreami Carrycot which could be used as an alternative pushchair seat, turning it into a lie-down-flat sleeping cot for your baby whilst you're on the move.
It doesn't finish there either; what about your shopping or other bags? Fear not, there is also a basket to hold your bags too.
All of this is bundled into a very stylish and distinctive pushchair that you'll want to keep for all of your children.
To sum up then, should you be looking for a baby travel system that provides comfort, safety, style and convenience, then you shouldn't look further than the Quinny Buzz Travel System.


2011年8月27日 星期六

Quinny Zapp Pushchair: The best value for money pushchair on the market

Childhood is a very special time when a child learns to connect with the outside world. Make this connection stronger by gifting your child a Quinny Zapp pushchair. These are the ideal travel systems that can be used right from the infant days of your children till they grow up. Pushchairs from Quinny travel systems are very comfortable for your kids that can be adjusted from both the front and rear side. This adjustment depends on the age of your kid or you can just set it according to your wish. When things are getting so costly, the prices of pushchairs are also going up. It is a very difficult task to find good travel systems for children.

At such a time, Quinny Zapp pushchairs are a boon to all young parents. It is truly reasonable and comes with easy maintenance. Parenting would seem to be a fun task if you consider these pushchairs. One of the main features of the Quinny pushchair is its one touch closing and opening of the wheels. They are set separately from each other in the rear but are connected in the front for easy movement in open or congested spaces. With every pushchair you will receive extra spaced seating area along with pre-foamed cushions so that your baby can enjoy a warm, snug and fun ride.

Give your kids their very own space and let them enjoy in their way. Now even your outings and trips would not get affected as these travel systems can be carried anywhere. Quinny Zapp pushchairs are the ideal travel systems for children. This can be folded further and is therefore known as the world's smallest bug. You will get a travel kit with a Zapp pushchair which makes it the best travel system for children. You can easily accommodate it in your luggage and is absolutely safe to carry on a flight, in your car and even on a train.

It is made tactically with locked wheels that can even turn in 360 degrees along with a rain shade, sun shade and an adapter that is useful for the Maxi cozy travel system car seat. Apart from these, accessories like a footmuff encasing a child's whole body except the eyes are also available. A footmuff keeps the child warm in their Quinny Zapp pushchair. It is washable and can be quilted. Get a buzz box to carry your child's necessities while on a short trip. Also a cup holder comes that is attached with the Quinny Zapp pushchairs so that you can keep your baby's bottles or Sippy cup with it.

Find beautiful colors like cobalt blue, citro, strawberry and mandarin orange that will cheer your child. The Quinny Zapp pushchairs are really beneficial for families on the go, frequently planning their trips. You can also take your child on some quick strolls with these strollers in the park, around the mall and to any place that you wish to cover. The pushchairs are made of durable material, sturdy enough to survive any situation. With their rugged and strong body, the pushchairs give value for your hard earned money. It becomes a onetime investment and with proper maintenance you can as well use for your next child also.


2011年8月26日 星期五

Make Your Child Safe With Baby Travel Products

When you travel with children, especially babies, it doesn't end with simply packing their stuff up and going. Travelling with babies is difficult and you may realise that baby travel products can help you tremendously.

It could ease the burden of carrying your infant everywhere; it could help you enjoy the trip more instead of stressing about you child and whether he or she is entertained as well.

It's not just the simple matter of convenience but more importantly, baby travel products can ensure a child's safety whilst travelling. For example, when travelling in a road trip, it's important to invest in good car seats and seatbelt enhancers for the benefit of the child. No matter where you are going, the likelihood that you will use a car seat is large, and you can even use it to carry you child in a "knapsack" fashion.

Make sure that when choosing your baby travel product, you bear in mind the needs and circumstances of your baby. There are specialised car seats for infants and there are variations for toddlers. Also make sure that the car seat you opted for is comfortable. If it isn't, you can be certain that the trip would be hell for both you and your child.

Stroller, another important baby travel product, is also useful. For travelling, try to buy the lighter, more compact kinds for easier portability. Babies are likely to change their minds every few minutes. They might want to be carried, pushed, walked�it's good to be prepared.

It would also be wise to bring functional mats or portable beds for the children to sleep in. Some travel mats can be rolled up so small it practically won't take up any space in your bag. When your child wants to play, this baby travel product will come in handy. Your baby won't need to roll around on the dirty floor and will be safe inside this nice, clean handy mat. Likewise, portable beds or even a small bassinet for the baby to sleep in would be great when you're taking a break from the rides at the amusement park or from the tour you are in.

Know how to track your child! Always be aware of your child's whereabouts with child locators or trackers. These baby travel products will keep you from wondering where your baby ran off to in case he or she got distracted by something amusing. It's difficult to lose sight of them in a new place filled with strangers so it's best to monitor them nonstop.

Some parents would think that travelling with a child would be easy and that all they need is a diaper bag and some muscle. But it's really important to invest in quality baby travel products. Sure some baby travel products can be costly but it's not worth your precious child!


2011年8月25日 星期四

Baby travel strollers are best for jogging

When comes to weight, the baby travel strollers are very less. The baby travel strollers are coming up with different models in order to satisfy all your desires.

The shopping basket, carrying bag can also included in this baby strollers. The safety is the main concerning factor for our entire parent, so we need to think at least number of times before buying any baby products. When comes to safety, the baby travel strollers are most trustful among every customers. The baby travel strollers may comes with three wheels, which is quite comfortable for traveling in outside.

The baby can feel like jogging when traveling with such baby travel strollers. Most of the baby travel strollers are coming up with rain covers in order to protect your baby from any climatic disaster. The sunrays can be harmful for your baby. In that sense, the baby travel strollers are also comes with sunshade features. The seats of baby strollers may be reclined in two different positions which makes your baby to feel enjoy the trips. The baby travel strollers offering plenty of rooms to carry some blankets, toys, bottles and so on.

The baby�s strollers may also come up with fold and stand system which is convenient for to use. One may desire to go for jogging daily with your babies; the baby travel stroller is the only way for you to satisfy all your jogging interests. Most of the baby strollers are coming with three-harness and five-harness system in order to fulfill the expectations of every parent. It is one of the heavenly feelings for your baby to travel by baby strollers by looking out environments. The baby strollers for two babies system are also available in the markets. Therefore, it is all depends on you to pick the baby strollers according top your own interest.


2011年8月24日 星期三

Baby Travel Cot

When you are traveling around or visiting friends and family, sometimes having a baby travel cot will come in very useful. For instance, you might be at a house where there are dogs or cats that you do not want to interfere with the baby. If you have a baby travel cot, you can make sure that animals will not get to your precious baby if your eye is turned for a moment. Sometimes, you might have to take your attention away from the baby for a minute, and the safest way to keep your baby is in a baby travel cot. You can take your eye off of your baby knowing he or she is safe in her baby cot.

You can find a basic travel baby cot that will not have any extras. You can also find ones that have toys and other nice accessories. Baby travel cots can also come with other features like a bassinet. Having a bassinet is a really nice convenience when you need to use it when you are traveling about. When you get on your baby cot will all depend on what you are looking for. There are also organizational accessories that are easy to find. You can find pocket attachments that you can keep fresh clothes, wipes, diapers, and anything else you need for the baby.

You should have a travel bag that comes with the baby cot. That makes it easy to transport the baby cot from your home to wherever you are traveling. When you are going to buy the cot, you should make sure it is a safe baby travel cot. There is a huge selection of baby travel cots for you to choose from. Whether you are getting one for a boy or girl, you will be able to find one that fits your style and your needs.


2011年8月23日 星期二

Baby Travel Pros Association Adds New Member, Derenter Baby Equipment Rental

Baby Travel Pros is the first national baby rental equipment association in North America with a growing member base that currently includes over 50 companies worldwide. Baby Travel Pros Association announces a new member based out of Kissimmee, Florida, Derenter; a full service baby equipment rental company. Central Florida is a popular destination for travelers of all ages. Disney World brings thousands of visitors to the area throughout the year including many toddlers and babies making baby rental equipment very popular.

"Baby Travel Pros Association is continually looking for new members worldwide. We now have a new baby rental company to provide baby equipment for Central Florida and Disney World.", states Sarah Wyles, Co-founder. Although all member companies are individually owned and operated, affiliated companies demonstrate pride and commitment in providing safe, clean, high-quality baby equipment rentals.With a focus on customer service andsatisfact ion, members of Baby Travel Pros rent cribs, pack-n-plays, high chairs, booster chairs, car seats, strollers, toys, wagons, beach gear and more. Rentals are available for daily, weekly or long-term rates

The easiest and most convenient way to travel with babies and toddlers is to find a local baby rental equipment company to deliver the necessary baby items directly to the destination. Not only does this save time, but also the cost of checking the equipment. Many frustrated travelers reach their destination to find the stroller, car seat or crib is damaged and sometimes unsafe to use. Baby rental companies completely eliminate this worry and make for a stress free trip. Browse Baby Travel Pros directory for the nearest baby rental company.

Baby Travel Pros was founded in 2009 as the first national association for independent baby equipment rental companies. Its mission is to establish safety and cleanliness standards across member companies so that consumers have access to a stress-free, reliable resource to meet their family travel and vacation needs. All of the transportation, safety, comfort and entertainment essentials that a family needs can be waiting for them at the airport, car rental agency, hotel or relative's house when they arrive. For more information on Baby Travel Pros, visit http://www.babytravelpros.com.


2011年8月22日 星期一

Packing A Baby Travel Kit: What You Will Need

When travelling with baby, whether it be a trip to the local shops or a long journey, you'll need to pack a travel kit for baby to cover all his/her needs. For a short journey, you'll need only the basics, which you will carry with you on an everyday basis, but for a longer journey, you'll be required to do a lot more planning ahead.

Short Journey:

To carry your baby's travel kit, you'll need a backpack or diaper bag that is large enough to carry your everyday basics. Whatever method you choose to travel by, whether by foot, bus or car, you'll need similar items in your baby travel kit. Of course, take bottles, baby food, diapers, baby wipes, a dummy and a spare set of clothes to cover baby's basic needs and accidents. Also, always carry around with you a small First Aid kit for baby that includes plasters, ointment and anti-bacterial hand wash for you. Make sure all first aid goods are in date, and as your baby gr ows, expect you baby travel kit to expand too.

Long Journey: A long journey requires a lot more effort and planning. Before you set out on your journey, make sure you and baby are both fit and well to travel. This means you'll need to be both well and not tired. Tiredness affects your driving, so if you are to drive get a few nights of good sleep beforehand.

As well as your basic baby travel kit (with double or more the amount of food and clothes), you'll need to pack a suitcase, if staying elsewhere for awhile, a blanket for baby to snuggle in and his/her favourite stuffed toy or pillow.

Baby may not be comfortable sleeping anyway besides his/her room, so get baby use to sleeping in different environments. It will make baby more comfortable when it comes to sleeping in the car. Also to keep baby comfortable, stick to his/her routine of sleep and feeding. Prepare for times in your journey when you'll need to stop. If usi ng the car, you could locate safe places to stop for feeding/changing when planning the journey out.

When on a long journey, you'll need to expand your basic baby travel kit, by adding a bigger first aid kit, extra layers or weather appropriate clothing for baby, a portable travel baby changing mat, bin bags for diapers and wipes. Also make sure you have enough liquid and food for you and baby, and perhaps bring extra snacks just in case.

When preparing for a long journey with baby think carefully about what you will need and take a look at weather predictions to inform your clothing decisions. Write a list out if it helps you. Always pack most items the night before you travel, leaving only a few goods to pack last minute. Moreover, don't forget to pack all parts of your pushchair, weather protection (rain, snow, sun) and the car seat/carry cot.

If you are interested in pushchairs uk for pushchairs or accessories for the pushchair, hav e a look at www.pushchairs4u.com


2011年8月21日 星期日

A Philippines Travel Guide To Make Your Holiday Interesting

Philippines, the archipelago nation in South East Asia is one of the fast emerging tourist spots and quite deservedly so. The three major island groups in Philippines are Luzon, Mindanao and Visayas. Luzon is the biggest island and is the home to the capital Manila. The entire nation is blessed with splendid natural wealth, enriched cultural diversity, warm friendly people and interesting tourist attractions. All these can keep you busy for days and even months. There are varieties of things that you can do and see, but this Philippines travel guide is going to take you through certain interesting activities which go beyond regular sight seeing and packaged holiday tours.

Explore The Nature

Philippines is the home to various mountain peaks like Mt. Apo, volcanoes, rivers and pristine white beaches. The ecosystem of Philippines is really unique and awe inspiring. It is indeed difficult to find so many varieties of flora and fauna within a relatively short area. The Hundred Islands, the Banaue rice terraces and the Mayon Volcano are full of grandeur and beauty. But if you make the effort to explore the vast tropical rainforests of Philippines, you will certainly not be disappointed.

The tropical rainforests form about 10% of the total area of Philippines. It is the home to innumerable birds, mammals and reptile species. It also nurtures various kinds of trees, ferns and orchids. Many species of animals and birds found in Philippines are endangered and these include the incredibly tiny tarsier and the majestic Philippine eagle haribon. The marine life is also pulsating with varieties of life forms and includes a great number of sharks and whales. The coral reefs along the Mindoro Strait are also one of the exquisite offerings of Philippines.

The tourists should administer caution in snorkeling along the coral reefs so that they are not disturbed by any alien activities. You should also be a little careful of taking random photographs because that might disturb the tranquility of the regions.

Explore The Night Life

This Philippines travel guide is designed to give equal stress on natural and man made delights. The night life of Philippines is pulsating, attractive and immensely entertaining. Manila is the hot spot of Philippines night life and Angeles City just 90 km away from Manila is the very heart and soul of night entertainments. There are a variety of bars, casinos, night clubs and discos which can keep you on your toes for days.

Philippines women are famous for their beauty and charm. So, if you are interested in Filipina dating, you can make prior connections with them through a trusted dating portal. Your holiday experience will be made even more memorable if you meet the woman of your dreams in an exotic and charming land.

As a foreign tourist in Philippines, there are certain things that you can keep in mind for optimally enjoying your holiday. Although it is a safe place to travel, it is customary to be aware of the pick pockets or swindlers who generally target foreign tourists as they are completely new to the place. It is important that you show respect to the local culture and people and see it getting reciprocated in a much exaggerated manner. Thus, by following the simple guidelines of this Philippines travel guide, you can explore the true flavor of the country and nothing better than discovering it through exciting night outs and tranquil natural escapades.


2011年8月20日 星期六

Confusing Options In Child Stroller Travel Systems

A lot of new moms and dads are astonished to see the latest comprehensive child stroller systems much like the Graco Alano Flip It Travel System, which are usually produced to be an all-in-one formula to walking your infant and employing the car seat. Naturally, plenty of moms and dads are aware that when they start using a child stroller, it would be wonderful to have the capacity to modify the facing of the child while not having to remove the child and then turning the actual seat around. So now you have an option as the more modern systems let you flip the handle, which means you don't need to move your infant and may elect to have them facing you and also away from you.

Of course, push strollers such as the Graco Alano Flip It Travel System are usually preferred among new moms and dads trying to find something a tad bit more inventive as opposed to the standard prams. Additionally, the more modern push strollers have a relatively greater weight limit with m any up to 40 pounds; therefore you will not have to get numerous systems as your child grows up past their toddler years. These kinds of all-in-one push strollers are generally excellent when you have to run errands as the seat pops out and turns into the baby chair, whilst the remaining portion of the child stroller folds away beautifully and it's conveniently held in your car, truck, or minivan.

The only real downside that lots of parents discover concerning the travel systems is they may be heavier than a few of the other available choices. Nevertheless, the travel bundles systems, like the Graco Alano Flip It Travel System Travel System just about all obtain excellent scores by people who have used them, however the one criticism constantly has to do with the weight of the system, which is usually somewhere between twenty five and forty five pounds. Others prefer a much more weighty system simply because they feel they tend to be more durable to make use of on a regular basis, so frequently the weight of such systems is dependent on individual choice.

Almost all moms and dads soon enough learn that with day-to-day usage of a system such as the Graco Alano Flip It Travel System, it could become grubby or soiled due to leaks or food. Makers have made it easier to clean up push strollers due to the fact more of the fabrics are machine washable, so that you only have to take it off the framework, rinse it and put it back on. This will help to maintain the child stroller and baby chair appearing like new and even makes it last so much longer.

Irrespective of which travel system you are planning to acquire, you should definitely think about the attributes and make certain these are good with your way of living. Quite a few moms and dads get in a hurry to get a travel system and after that end up having one that's definitely not beneficial to them, specifically if you are on the go an awful lot or maybe plan to do some touring, you'll want a system which will cope with these kinds of pursuits.


2011年8月19日 星期五

Should you Consider Buying Graco Quattro Tour DeLuxe TSB Travel System

One will take pleasure in purchasing Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe because of its versatility, it\'s a great off-roader and a travel system in one, plus it is sturdy and easy to manage on Public Transportation. If reliability and good value for a pushchair is what you want and really don\'t mind it being chunky and heavy then this is definitely a Best Buy.

The Pros: The Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe has great features making it a complete travel system. The package includes Pushcar with hood, large shopping basket and apron, baby safety base and junior Graco auto baby car seat. This baby car seat transforms this pushchair to a travel system. The safety base is just attached to the passenger seat and you can just leave it there. The Graco autobaby is suitable for newly born infants up to a 13kg child. The Graco Quattro also comes with a head hugger as support for your baby\'s neck during the crucial months. It also doubles as a feeding station and rocker. All these gives great v alue for your money.

The soft carry cot come a skirt of fabric that attaches via a zipper onto the hood of the pushchair to extend the hood to cover the carry cot , allowing you to use it like a pram with the baby facing you. The pushchair comes with a foam-covered, ergonomically designed handle with a mesh viewing window for ventilation during hot days.

The Conclusion: The Graco Quattro Tour DeLuxe TBS is an excellent off-roader Travel System with lots of great features and useful accessories all included in the package. It allows a comfortable ride for your baby and ease of use with a reasonable price for you the parents. The Graco Quattro System Tour Deluxe TBS in our opinion is a good recommendation for parents who do not mind a heavy pushchair and wants value for their money

The Graco Quattro is built for comfort. It has a well-cushioned seat and rubber wheels which allow for great suspension. This ultra convenient travel system can be folded with one hand. The back support is adjustable and can be reclined to 5 positions. The shopping basket can be adjusted allowing you access even of the pushchair\'s set is fully reclined}tilted back.

The Cons The only downside}setback which can be observed is its weight and size. The Graco Quattro weighs 13.5kg and when stored in the trunk of a medium sized car, won\'t leave room for much else. Be ready for a good workout if you live in a high rise apartment building.

2011年8月18日 星期四

Sprinting Stroller Travel System

You need to know for any sprinting stroller travel system, regarded as effective strolling application for mother and father who've youngsters younger than twenty two months old. These are produced for small infants which have been as well youthful to lift up their head. Infants will need assistance at such a youthful age and owning a vacation strategy will advantage both the infant and mom.

Not all sprinting strollers are prepared for getting a journey application, most of the strollers that you can purchase for runners are catered to older kids. To retrieve your little one out and in in the auto can be dangerous, because infants are so fragile. The style of your vacation program is straightforward. You could secure in location the base that gets strapped to the seat through the seat belt. If you are prepared to place your youngster in to the vehicle its as simple as snapping your toddler carrier in to the base. When you find yourself prepared to pull them out lessons to try and do is unsnap it right out of the base and re snap it in to the stroller. The inside and outside movement does not make the child unpleasant, the infant will remain in his comfort zone and won't wake up, are going to padded and secured in your seat belt that include the carrier. Utilizing these strolling techniques certainly makes it simplallows you for your mother and father. The kid as he grows will ultimately be set in the typical motor vehicle seat.

Necessary other options to a carrier. Now in the marketplace you can get bassinets to be attached to some running stroller, but they aren't as effective like a vacation procedure but they may be sold as an accessory and can fit most sprinting strollers.

Running strollers are created for jogging, but going having a newborn sure isn't a better way for strolling. Because the kid is prone to injury it is advisable to own baby walked, initially a minimum of for that very first 22 months, the n a time progresses and also the little one is powerful sufficient to take care of the road and also you must be able to walk quicker and also jog because the infant grows. Most running strollers are utilized being a walking stroller appear smooth trip they present. The big wheels actually consumer debt inside the journey.

Getting a stroller is definitely an expense, like getting a car or truck they will need to be dependable, effective and extended lasting in return they'll produce many years of assistance. Running Stroller travel systems are worth the cash, since they'll make the transition from auto for the stroller incredibly uncomplicated and can pose much less chance for your infant.

More about graco travel system you find at http://babytravelsystem.biz


2011年8月17日 星期三

The Selection of the Best Travel Cot

On http://travel.liveer.com/ you will find a wide range of travel cots, that Graco baby Dan, Disney to Hauck. Now, this is not an exhaustive list and there are many more available on the market, but this is a balanced range of travel cot to your needs.

The main things you need when buying a travel cot include:

1st The purpose of the trip Cot - are you planning to carry it with you all over the world on a weekly basis or is it just goes to sit at a friends or family members home for the odd occasion that you are familiar with them?

2nd How difficult is the travel cot that you consider? The first point, how many times you go to transport the cradle from A to B comes into play here as you need to consider how easy the trip is to transport cot.

3rd How strong / robust travel cot you considering. You need the purposes of the purchase, together with the weight to ensure that travel cot is robust enough for your needs.

4th What is the size of the room you are in search of the travel cot, this will impact your choice to go for a mini or full-size travel cot.

5th Are you looking for style? Graco travel cot and baby Dan Travel Cots are more shrill in the style conscious parent company, although the Graco travel cots are usually a little heavier than most, and you pay a bit of a premium for the name.

6th Are you looking for pure functionality and price-performance ratio, if so, then travel Hauck cots are robust, functional and weighs about 10 kg.

7th Are you looking for more of a thematic travel cot, Disney characters like Pooh or the family?

8th Accessories What do you want to travel cot, such as portable mobile, adjustable basinet, built in night light, built-in music player? The list of accessories is endless.

The main things you need to consider, what is the purpose of travel cot, How big are you looking for and how difficult is the travel cot.

For more information on travel depression and where you can go to get help, please visit my website at http://travel.liveer.com


2011年8月16日 星期二

Graco Quattro Tour Travel System - Benefits And Key Features!

Kids easily get tired and cranky especially when traveling or even just walking in the park. And it is the parents that are left to struggle with carrying their little ones all the way home. That is why nowadays, strollers or baby carriers are essential. Here, the child can sit snugly as the parents conveniently push them around so they too can enjoy a nice leisurely stroll. This is perhaps the inspiration for the Graco Quattro Tour Travel System.

This Graco Quattro Travel System is perfect for any child's age as it is created in a way that it can adjust and adapt to the traveling needs of a growing baby. It has also is given 4-5 Star ratings on most Baby Stroller Reviews sites because of the high quality and the many great features. You can read my detailed review of the Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System by clicking on the links at the end of this article. You can also find out where you can buy it at di scount prices from the most respected and trusted shopping website!

What are its key features?

For years, the Graco company has been creating products that cater to the needs of children as well as their parents. Products such as the Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System have been created in order to provide so much convenience for the users.

This Graco Travel System model is built in such a way that it gives comfort to the child. It has a soft cushioned seat that can be easily reclined in any angle in order to accommodate the baby's position. The seat can even be fully reclined to be suitable for infants. Attached to the seat is an adjustable sun shade to protect the child from the glare of the sun.

The whole frame of the Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System is also guaranteed sturdy as it is made from stainless steel aluminum material. It is lightweight but at the same time durable in order to carry the who le weight of the baby. The wheels are made from high-quality material to endure increased friction due to frequent use. Plus, it is equipped with locks to secure the child when the travel system is parked.

One of the added features for the Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System is the drop down basket for putting all of the child's things. It is placed beneath the seat and can easily be accessed even if the seat is reclined. The travel system also comes with a tray that has cup holders. It also swings up so that the child can easily get out of the stroller.

What are its benefits?

What's great about this Graco Quattro Tour Travel System is the fact that it is collapsible. It can easily be folded to fit in the car or in the closet for storage. This travel system also comes with a SnugRide 32 infant car seat that allows the child to be safe when riding a vehicle. Indeed, this product is perfect when traveling as it provides all around convenience both for the child and the parents.

The Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System is a complete system that you can use for many years. One of the best places to start your search for the best prices on this baby travel system is the Internet. You will be able to find baby stroller reviews sites that will have a more detailed review and also provide you with the best shopping sites that will have the best prices!


2011年8月15日 星期一

Tired Of The Classical Side Of Travel Agencies In France? Ola Reinvents Travel

Ola Voyages offers its customers as collaborators solutions that make tourism easier, cheaper and more modern. First specializes in travel to Argentina, Venezuela, Chile and Brazil, Ola Voyages has gradually expanded its destinations to five continents. Whether you want to make a tour to Cambodia, a trip to Japan or Mexico � la carte�, Ola Voyages negotiate for you the best rates with airlines and developing partnerships with local hotels. In this way the agency handles its own on-site monitoring of proposed trips.

Moreover, in the autumn 2010, telephone counselors available to answer all your questions, from Paris, but mostly on the spot ... for the price of a local call! Indeed, Ola Voyages has established a telephone network operated by the Internet in their first destinations offices in Latin America. It is already possible to contact advisors travel to Peru, Chile and Mexico. Other destinations will follow, and it will soon be possible to ask questions about your trip to Hong Kong, Brazil, Namibia ... to people who live there and are best placed to answer you. Exactly the same as if you were speaking directly to a travel agency in Argentina or Vietnam...

It's easier, cheaper, and avoids the unpleasant but all too common impression of an �assembly line� journey.

Ola Voyages, it is also a different philosophy from most travel agencies in France. Willing to offer you travels, in the Philippines and Laos as in Argentina or Peru, which will leave an unforgettable memory and give you the urge to leave, Ola emphasizes the active participation of its customers, site users . Everyone is invited to give his opinion on his last trip to Venezuela, propose Circuit ideas in Cambodia, tell the discoveries made during a trip to Chile ...

On the other hand, concerned with issues related to environment and social equity, the travel agency emphasizeq on partnerships with NGOs and local cooperatives, so your trip to Brazil or the Philippines, by example, will have a positive impact on people who live there. For customers Ola VOyages is also an opportunity to make a tour to Vietnam or travel to Japan enriching human experience.

The site, clear and ergonomic, centralizes the fifty-seven destinations offered by Ola Voyages and invites you to choose your own using an interactive map. Once you have decided on a trip to Indonesia and Peru, a fact sheet informs you of the particularities of the country and offers several hotels in different cities. Want to know everything about the Aztecs prior to traveling to Mexico? Need some weather data before making a first trip to Vietnam? A doubt on the most favorable dates to make a trip to South Africa? Want to know more about what you eat during your trip to Brazil? All information is there, no need to seek other sites with the information you need before you go traveling in Indonesia or Argentina. The map, whose precision increases on demand, give a more concrete idea of the destination. You can also view your trips, and "follow" the path of your tour in Laos for example. This is very useful when embarking on an adventure as a trip to Japan or a circuit in V iet Nam without knowing the region.

Reducing margins, limiting intermediaries and offering products manufactured less than usual, Ola Voyages is a true concept. A separate system, which aims to simplify travel and make it more enjoyable for passengers and a mini-revolution in the world of travel agencies in France and on the Internet.


2011年8月14日 星期日

What Are the Benefits of a Kid's Traveling System?

A traveling system refers to any kind of stroller or carriage that can help you and your child when moving around. There are so many brands and designs of traveling systems in the market, but you need to know the following tips before you select one for your child.

Your ideal traveling system should first and foremost be comfortable for your baby. You will be taking your child out to the playground or even out to visit your neighbors and friends, so your baby should be at ease throughout the trip. Choose a traveling system that has enough padding in the seat and good wheels that will ensure that your child is comfy.

Also check that the stroller has adequate room for keeping your child's toys and snacks. The storage part should be easy to reach and should accommodate all the items you need for your child. This will keep your child occupied and make traveling easier. For example, the graco travel system has a drop down basket that you can store what you and your baby need for the journey.

Another factor to consider is the weight that the traveling system can support. The weight should correspond with the age of your child, and in some cases this is more important for safety. Your child should fit properly without putting strain on any part of the stroller. The same principle should be applied for other child accessories like your chicco highchair which should accommodate the weight of your child.

In some cases, your child's weight can be more important, because your child may weigh more than their age. Select your travel equipment according to the weight rather than age so that all the safety settings and recommendations can work best for you. This is also important when choosing a car seat, such as the maxi cosi car seat that comes in different sizes. It is therefore important to take your child with you when shopping for a car seat to select the ideal one for your baby's protection. Keep the se tips in mind when looking for a traveling system for your children.


2011年8月13日 星期六

Graco Alano Travel System Can Help You Travel With Your Baby Safely!

If you are expecting a baby or you have already had one, transportation can be a difficult issue. In terms of mobility, there are two common things that you need to carry around for your baby or babies. Of course, you need to have a functional stroller and your vehicle should have a safe rear facing seat. With the Graco Alano Travel System, these concerns can be resolved with no further qualms.

The Graco Alano Travel System has earned praises from top-rate consumer magazines and leading publications worldwide, all thanks to its built and quality that have been proven to be safe and efficient according to U.S. Safety standards. With its impact absorbing foam liner combined with a five-point high quality harness, the Graco Alano Travel System is built for maximum safety ands security. It usually receives 4-5 Star rating from most Baby Stroller Reviews sites because of customer satisfaction and the high quality of the product.

You get read my detailed baby stroller reviews on Graco Travel System by clicking on the links at the bottom of this article. You will also find out where you can buy the Graco Alano Travel System at discount prices from the most trusted and respected shopping site on the Internet!

The travel system is also equipped with head support cradles deigned meticulously to provide comfort and safety for your baby's head and neck. Infants, unlike adults, have delicate bones and limbs and a well-designed support system is crucial to their safety. This excellent feature makes the Graco Alano Travel System a very sought after product in the market today. Apart from this, the Graco Alano Travel System lets you transfer the car seat to the baby stroller without much fuss. You do not even have to disturb or wake up your little one from his or her sweet slumber.

An impressive device, this Graco Travel System lets you transfer yo ur baby to the stroller. You can also adjust the baby stroller so that it will be angled to face you and you can push the stroller in that particular position too. Since infants have an instinct to interact with the world around them, the adjustable handle can work great for this purpose. With just a quick flip on the handle, your baby will be facing forward as you push the stroller. And because the Graco Alano Travel System is of high quality, even your baby's baby can still use it in the future. The best value for your money, really.

For 50 years, Graco has been a prestigious brand when it comes to infant and juvenile products. Graco travel systems have been synonymous with durability, function, and quality. In fact the company has really raised the bar several notches higher in terms of comfort, safety, and performance. You really can never go wrong with this company.

The best place to find more information about the Graco Alano Travel System is on t he Internet. You will find Baby Stroller Reviews sites that have already done all of the research for you. Most of them will also tell you where you can get the best prices. For your baby safety and to make traveling with your new baby more convenient for you, the Graco Alano Travel System is a great choice!


2011年8月12日 星期五

Graco Alano Travel System Can Make Traveling With Child Enjoyable!

Parents love to bring their baby with them wherever they go, especially when they go out of the house - whether to just walk up and down the street or to go shopping. However, there are times when this becomes a hassle, especially when they have to use different carriers and strollers just to transport the baby. Aside from this, they have to carry a baby bag along with them while pushing the stroller around. This is no longer a problem especially with the Graco Alano Travel System.

The Graco Alano Travel System is a three piece unit that is ideal for parents who have babies that weigh about 25 to 50 pounds. It has plenty of features available to make it that much easier for parents to be with their baby anytime anywhere. It has also received 4-5 Star rating from most Baby Stroller Reviews sites because of the many safety features and the quality materials as well as the reputation of Graco.

You can g et a detailed reviews of the Graco Alano Travel System and the Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System by clicking on the links at the bottom of this article. You will also find where you can buy them at discount prices from the most trusted and respected shopping site on the Internet!

The first unit is the car seat base. This base can be attached easily onto car seats by strapping the buckles behind the car seat for security. It can also be adjusted easily to give height to the baby car seat. The car seat base is made from sturdy materials to better anchor the car seat especially when the road is a bit rough.

The second unit is the Graco SnugRide Baby Car Seat. This car seat can be attached to the car seat base easily. It can be used as a bassinet as well especially with the handle attached to it for easy transport. It also comes with a five point strap to better anchor the baby safely and securely. The straps can be loosened or tightened easily by adj usting them at the back of the unit.

The baby car seat in Graco Alano Travel System is made from quality materials to better cushion the baby. It is also quite sturdy to better accommodate the weight of the baby. Graco SnugRide Infant Car Seat comes with a lever behind the carrier to detach itself from the car-seat-base easily. Its automatic locking system makes it easier for parents to attach the unit onto the car-seat-base as well. It has different recline positions to better position the baby.

The third unit of Graco Travel System is the stroller. The stroller is made from elliptical rubber tubing for easy grip and durability. It is ideal for all kinds of surfaces and comes equipped with cup holders where parents can place their drinks while pushing the stroller around. A tray with a cup holder is also incorporated onto the stroller to place the baby's snacks and drink.

The space underneath the stroller is ideal for placi ng baby diapers and other items needed for changing. The stroller also features the same type of five point strap for anchoring the baby and can be adjusted easily as the baby grows. For security, the wheels of Graco Alano Travel System can be locked in place. The stroller can be stored easily just by using one hand. There is a button found on the stroller that only needs to be pushed to fold the stroller quickly.

The best place to find Graco Travel System is over the Internet where plenty of choices are available. They come in different colors and patterns so parents will not have a hard time finding the best one for their baby. Some people may find the Graco Travel System expensive at first, but they will be saving money in the long run since they will still be able to use the stroller as their child grows. Buying one online will save people money since there are some online sites that are offering at discounted prices. Not only that, but the purchased product c an be delivered to their homes in just a day with free shipping!